Poster Presentation Guidelines

Poster Presentation Guidelines 

The Poster/Infographic

In a Poster Presentation, attendees come to you to hear about and discuss your project. Presenters prepare a poster, infographic, or slide deck to illustrate what your work is about.  Your poster should convey the essence of your message through visuals and text.  In your poster/infographic/slide deck, consider these rhetorical moves: 

  • Describe the problem or question that you studied  
  • Demonstrate why that problem or question is important  
  • Discuss strategies to address the problem 
  • Use titles, introductions, and headings to announce your topic and to motivate your audience to want to know more.  
  • Use quotes, visuals, bulleted lists, and short paragraphs to make and emphasize your points. In effect, the poster/infographic “talks” for you.