Call for Participants


Hello, student scholars! Are you doing great work in one of your English & Communication classes? Get feedback on your projects at the Student Research Conference, a high-energy affair of panel discussions and poster presentations by UMass Dartmouth students. The English & Communication Department invites submissions to this eighth annual conference on Thursday, April 25, 2024 from 3:30–5:30 pm.

To be considered, submit your proposal by Tuesday, April 16 We will announce the conference schedule by April 19.

PRESENTATION FORMATS  |  To participate, choose from one of these formats:

  • Panel Discussion: In a panel discussion, presenters give a 5-minute overview of their work and ask for feedback from the audience. Before the conference, you will be grouped by topic into a session. To prepare, draft your paper and then revise it as a draft meant to be read aloud. Remember the goal is to work through your ideas and to elicit feedback from the audience.
  • Poster Presentation: In a poster presentation, presenters develop a digital infographic or poster about their projects. During the poster session, all presenters stand in front of their digital infographics or posters. Attendees circulate, ask presenters questions, and discuss ideas. For more info on the Poster Presentation, review these guidelines.
  • NEW–Digital Presentation: For our UMassD Online English majors, we will offer an online, digital presentation format. Students will be able to submit presentation materials to be shared and displayed during the conference.

With both panel discussions and posters, remember to engage people actively —getting feedback on your ideas is your main purpose. Use these resources for inspiration:

CRITERIA  |  Please note the following criteria for acceptance:

  • Each student is limited to presenting one panel discussion or poster presentation
  • Undergraduate presentations should be for a course that counts towards the English & Communication degree (ENL 257 and above)
  • Graduate student projects should be completed for a course in the MPWC program (ENL 501 and above)
  • Graduate students presenting their thesis portfolios (ENL 750) can choose either format (panel discussion or gallery walk)

SUBMISSIONS  |    To submit a proposal, go to the Proposal Submission Form. You will be asked for the following:

  • Title of presentation
  • Format: Panel Discussion or Poster Presentation
  • Short description of your project that includes the following:
    • Guiding question and/or working thesis statement
    • Concise description of your goals for the project
  • Affiliated course and instructor’s or advisor’s name


  • April 16: Proposals Due
  • April 19: Conference Schedule Announced
  • April 25: Conference